Dark circles under our eyes can be a sign of an iron deficiency called anemia. Anemia is the most common nutritional problem world wide, but is easily treated by eating the right foods.
Anemia is a sign that not enough oxygen is getting to the body tissues. There are several types of anaemia, but iron deficiency is the most common.
Our bodies need iron to manufacture haemoglobin, the red pigment which carries oxygen to the cells. Dark circles alone do not indicate Anemia, you will also suffer from constant tiredness, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, poor memory, frequent colds and infections, and pale skin.
Anemia affects more women than men because of the menstrual cycle. Also we as a health aware society feel that red meat is unhealthy but if the meat is lean and good quality, it can be a perfectly healthy & one of our main sources of iron if you are not on a vegan diet.
If you suspect you are iron deficient see your GP for a simple blood test and to eliminate other potential causes of Anemia such as an ulcer.
If you do lack iron, you might be prescribed iron supplements & it's a good idea to look at your diet.
The best sources of iron is liver (although it is not recommended during pregnancy), lean red meat including venison, egg yolks are high in iron & if vegan dried and tinned beans including baked beans, lentils and chickpeas (hummus is perfect).
Other good sources include soya mince, seaweed, fortified breakfast cereals, seeds such as pumpkin and sunflower, dark green leafy vegetables such as Savoy cabbage, dried apricots, figs, oatmeal, prunes, broccoli, asparagus, wholemeal bread and brown rice.
Unfortunately, the body finds it hard to absorb iron from non-meat sources, but vitamin C will help.
The secret is to eat vitamin C-rich foods like vegetables that are as fresh and as lightly cooked or raw like kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mangetout and broccoli, and fruits such as kiwis, blueberries, blackcurrants, papaya, oranges and mangoes before you eat your iron riched vegetables so the iron is better absorbed.
Did you know that the tannin in tea actually inhibits the absorption of iron, so avoid having tea with a meal and for a good hour before and after.
Some people say that dark circles are a sign of food intolerance. But while food intolerance can explain some conditions such as eczema and IBS - dark rings is not one of them.
If you have had dark rings for years, it could be that age/hereditary (in the family) rather than diet is the cause. As we get older our skin becomes thinner also if our family members have dark circles then our genes can be the cause. Also environmental damage, medication, underlying health conditions & smoking can also contribute to dark circle.