Learn how to treat a soft tissue injury (sprain/strain/tendinitis) at home while your unable to seek professional assistance. 👍
Sporting injuries and overuse injuries are becoming more common as our daily exercise routines change and we crack on with the jobs that we have been meaning to do for a while!
An easy guide to follow: PRICE - protect, rest, ice, compress and elevate.
🤕 PROTECTION - protect the affected area from further injury (e.g a support).
🤕 REST - where possible rest the injured area. Avoid exercise or reduced daily activity. If a lower body limb the use of crutches to assist with weight carrying is advised. If an upper body limb the use of a sling is strongly suggested.
🤕 ICE - apply an ice pack or old frozen packet of peas for 15 - 20 minutes every two or three hours. DO NOT place the ice directly to the skin, it must be wrapped in a towel.
🤕 COMPRESSION - the use of a elastic compression bandage during the day to limit fluid retention at the injury site.
🤕 ELEVATION - where possible elevate the injured area above the heart.
Pain relief - oral administration of paracetamol can be taken every 4 hours to reduce pain. The use of ibuprofen and other non steroidal anti-inflammatory creams/gels can be used in rotation with the paracetamol to assist with controlling pain and reducing swelling.
