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Stop spending time with negative thinkers šŸ—£

You might have observed that many people who failed to overcome an obstacle are used to bad stories. A woman who is divorced can tell you how bad men are for the next twenty four hours. Stop associating with negative thinkers. Instead of floundering around with negative thinkers find mentors. Mentors are people who already made it to where you are wanting to be. Think about who inspires you, and who is your role model or mentor, it could be a scientist, it could be a famous author. Thinking and reading about your favourite mentor can help keep you away from negative thinking and thinkers.

Stop dwelling on the bad side of life šŸ—£

Some people read news, and every time they read they become afraid-as if the bad thing in this life is happening to them. Especially these days that the media doesnā€™t have any good news to offer. Iā€™m not saying we should not have sympathy, but we should not spend a whole day on the bad side of life. It is interesting to know that for every bad thing many good things are also happening.

Positive thinking without action is nothing šŸ—£

Thinking about plans and an amazing future without action is daydreaming and it is NEGATIVE thinking. POSITIVE thinking should always be followed by action. If you want to write that book, start writing the first chapter. If you want to get help, go to necessary authorities as change only happens when you action it. If you want to improve your marriage go and do it now. If you want to start a business, you canā€™t have a better time to start. Take action now for it is the most important thing to do, if you just dream about making a change your not going to move forward. We are always scared of the unknown, the what ifā€™s and the voice that says you canā€™t, but surely if you didnā€™t try at all then that would be your biggest regret.

One day? or day one. You decide šŸ¤”

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